The Isle of Wight Music Dance and Drama Festival

 is a competition held every March wh professional judges in a friendly atmosphere. We have classes for everybody for t



 Click here for the 2025 Festival Schedules and Play and Perform

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE The dates for all of the Music classes are now the 7th – 12th March 2025. All sessions will be held at the Garfield Road Church in Ryde.


Follow our Facebook page to keep up to date with what is happening.




We have a vacancy for an Honorary Secretary

The post offers a small honorarium

Duties include:

  • Taking the minutes at committee meetings and dealing with correspondence.
  • Liaising with Adjudicators and relevant organisations.
  • Producing the Syllabus from information provided by the Section Co-ordinators and manage the Play & Perform computer system used for accepting and processing entries.
  • Preparing the programme and the paperwork required during the festival.
  • For further details please private message us or use the contact form on the website

Would you like to be involved in


We have a number of wonderful Stewards without whom the Festival simply would not run, but we always need more helpers so please consider being a steward.  Please use the contact form to ask for details.