Entry is deemed to be an acceptance of these Rules. PLEASE NOTE that the stated age limit now applies from 31ST AUGUST.
- Competitions are intended for amateurs, except where otherwise stated, i.e. described as ‘Open’ (to professionals).
An amateur is someone who does not derive his/her livelihood from the branch of performance, defined by the Class title, in which s/he seeks to enter the Festival. In any ensemble, all members must adhere to that principle.
For the purpose of the Festival professionals are defined as those deriving their main means of livelihood from teaching or performing in the subject of competition.
- Protests or complaints can only be made in writing, enclosing a SAE for reply, to:-
Janet Coates (Honorary Secretary)
c/o 75 Argyll Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 3BY
E-mail: coatesjanet@hotmail.com
The Adjudicators’ judgements shall be final and they cannot enter into any correspondence or discussion regarding their adjudications.
- All Classes are open to Mainland residents.
- Previous winners of Elementary Classes may not enter those Classes again.
- Competitors must supply copies of ‘Own Choice’ items for the Adjudicator and are reminded that copyright is owned by the composer, author, arranger or editor of any work and it is an infringement of copyright law to make a copy without obtaining written permission from the publisher. However, the Music Publishers’ Association Code of Practice on Photocopying Copyright Works makes the following concession for copying ‘Own Choice’ pieces for the sole use of the Adjudicator at a Festival, provided that the entrant or participant has already purchased his/her own original copy and that the copy made is retained and destroyed by the Administrator of the Festival immediately after the event.
This permission specifically does not apply to set pieces and competitors must purchase their own original copies for these Classes.
Dance teachers should hold their own PPL licence before using music from records, cassettes, CDs or other media to prepare their own recordings.
- The name of publishers of works selected are given in the Syllabus and these editions must be used, except in the case of non-copyright works where any edition may be used, on the understanding that they are the composers’ own original work and the abridged or simplified editions will not be accepted.
- All Classes will be marked using the British Federation marking system:
Mark Category Description
90+ Outstanding. An exceptional performance both technically and artistically
87-89 Distinction, An excellent performance technically and artistically
84-86 Commended. A convincing performance technically and artistically
81-83 Merit A capable performance showing some artistic appreciation and/or technical ability
78-80 Moderate. A performance showing development of technique and/or communication
75-77 Fair. A performance limited in its communication
The criteria used by the Federation Adjudicators for these marking descriptions for each section can be found under Information on the home page.
- All Certificates and Remark Sheets must be obtained from the Steward at the venue where the competition takes place.
- In all disciplines, trophies or prizes will only be awarded for 84 marks or over OR at the adjudicator’s discretion if a lower mark is awarded for the JUNIOR SECTION only. If you wish to have your name engraved on the trophy, please do so as soon as possible, but please note that this is at your own expense. If there is no room to fit your name on the trophy, or if any repairs are necessary, please contact Mrs J Gill on (01983) 840607 or Ann-Marie Kitcher (Dance) on (01983) 615133. The holders will be responsible for the safe keeping of trophies in their care and must return such trophies by January 11th of the following year. For specific detail of where to return same, please see the dedicated information contained within the table at the end of these Festival Rules.
Competitors who fail to return trophies on time will not be awarded further trophies in subsequent years.
- Competitors must provide their own accompanist, as no Official Accompanist will be provided.
- Pianos must not be moved by anyone without the consent of the Festival Official on duty.
- Classes in Speech & Drama and Music may run up to 15 minutes earlier than scheduled in the Programme and classes in Dance may run up to 30 minutes earlier than scheduled in the Programme. If competitors are not present when called to perform, they may be called again at the end of the Class at the discretion of the Adjudicator.
- Competitors must strictly adhere to time limits, where given.
- The stated age limits apply from 31st August 2024 and no exceptions can be made. The age of the oldest competitor counts in Duets, Trios and Groups.
For the purpose of the Festival, Junior Classes are open to competitors aged 18 years and under on 31st August 2024. (Exception: see Dance Rules and footnote to Classes 474, 475 and 476 in the Speech and Drama section.
Please note the change to 31st August for stated age limits.
- It is necessary for teachers and parents to be aware of their responsibilities in entering any performers with limited physical capabilities or special needs, bearing in mind the limitations imposed by the stage and surrounding environment. It is also necessary for the teacher or parent to pass on to the Adjudicator, via the organiser, any such information that would impact on the Adjudicator’s work.
- No Entry Fee will be returned except at the discretion of the Executive Committee and upon written application only. In the event of the Festival being abandoned in circumstances beyond the control of the Committee, Entry Fees will be retained to cover preliminary expenses necessarily incurred in arranging the Festival.
- The Executive Committee reserves the right to combine Classes of a comparable standard when individual Classes are under-subscribed.
- In the event of a tie for the first place, a second hearing or performance may be required before the Adjudicator makes a final decision. Alternatively, the Cup may be shared between those with highest, equal marks i.e. Joint Winners for an equal amount of time, the last person(s) being responsible for its safe return to the Festival’s Trophy Committee.
- Data Protection – Names and addresses of competitors, teachers, members and helpers are stored on the Festival Computer in the office files and in the Play&Perform secure system. The information will be used for Festival purposes only and will not be revealed to any other party. Unless the Secretary hears to the contrary, it will be assumed there is no objection. All members of the Isle of Wight Music, Dance & Drama Festival, including those who have signed the appropriate declaration on the Entry Form, are invited to the AGM in June 2024, details of which will be advertised on our Facebook page.
- Unauthorised use of photographic, audio and/or video recording devices – including mobile phones – is strictly prohibited at all Festival venues while performances and adjudications are taking place. In the event of contravention of this Festival Rule, the Festival Committee reserves the right to confiscate any such items and/or to eject the offenders from the venue.